Monday, October 13, 2008

My house is a zoo

The boys are out of school for fall break and I managed to make it through week one without seriously injuring them! I just have to make it thru this week and then they are off to school again on Monday. We were really lucky last week because the weather was so nice. We were able to go the park a few times and they could run around the backyard instead of bouncing off the walls in the house. We were not so lucky today. It has been pretty cold the last couple of days and today was no different. The high is in the low 40's, which meant the boys had to find fun things to do inside. Lucky for me they have entertained themselves quite well today. They had a couple of friends over and broke out the plato table. They spent a couple of hours working on there big creation. For those that can't tell what it is (c'mon I thought it was obvious!) they built there very own zoo. Just for your clarification there is an alligator, turtle, bear, fish and a hippo just to name a few. They had a lot of fun and were quite disappointed when it was time to clean up and they realized they could not keep the zoo in the middle of the kitchen floor.

Fun times!

There were three separte area's of the zoo

Time to clean up!!


Rach said...

I would say your house is a zoo mostly because my boys are there =). Good thing we have you to keep them entertained!!

Tara said...

How fun!

Wish I could have managed to not injure my kid...poor Tyler. A fun day at the park turned out to be a not-so-fun night in the hospital.
(not to mention the next several weeks with a cast)

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

well look who joined the bloggy blog world! I saw your link on Melanie's blog. Have fun with your zoo animals the rest of the week - hopefully it warms up by tomorrow!! speaking of zoos, are you guys going to the zoo tomorrow?