Friday, May 8, 2009

On the move

Well Ally is 8 months old now and she doesn't sit still for long anymore. It's crazy how one day she is perfectly happy sitting and playing with her toys and the next she is crawling and trying to stand up everywhere. We have also moved on to the lovely stage of her putting everything in her mouth. Luckily she has not swallowed anything bad (that we know of!) but some of the stuff that has gone in has been pretty gross. One incident was particularly bad and Brandon told me I was not to write about it on the blog. Sorry for the tease!! She now has 4 teeth and weighs around 18 pounds. She is getting bigger everyday it seems in turn our love for her grows each day. The boys still adore her although she is not always as willing to return the affection to them. Here some pics from the last week of Ally.
Now when I go to get her this is what I see!
Everybody smile!!
This was her Easter dress

Enough with the pic's she was ready to go.
One day she found the stairs but hasn't been back since.

She looks so small in this chair.
I was putting away groceries and this is were I found her.


Maureen said...

What a precious little lamby! What a great Mother's Day you're going to have! I hope you get a lot of hugs and kisses for your children and feel like a Queen in Blankenship Kingdom!

Tara said...

I love that one of her exploring the fridge! So CUTE!! I can't tell you how many bugs my kids ate. I think they each ate a moth at one time or another. Yuck!

Mel said...

Watch out! There is no stopping her now. That one at the fridge is too cute.

Jamie said...

She is too cute. Every time I see her I just want to pinch her cheeks.

Jessica Morel said...

She is so special. It is so awesome that the boys just adore her. My girls are also so loving to my little one and is just melts my heart!

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big. Mason is 15 months now and only weighs 19.5 pounds. He is just a little guy.

Welsh World said...

Sommar, she has gotten so, where does the time go. Next she will be running after the boys trying to keep up!! She is a doll!